Today we made a questionnaire to ask our target audience about what type of music videos they like, why they like them and what they expect to see in music videos.
We've collected the results and looked to see what our target audience came up with.
The age group in which we asked was 16-20 because we believe that for the type of song we want to do a music video for, this is the appropriate age to target.
One of the first questions we asked was what are people's favourite music video genre.
Here are the results from this particular question:
Pop - 1
R&B - 8
Hip-hop - 2
Classical - 0
Rock 1
Indie - 2
From this we can see that most people like to listen to R&B music. This is good because Rihanna is a R&B artist and this is who we would like to focus our music video on by using one of her songs. Teenagers are mostly introduced to R&B music because they are always on the radio and in the charts, which shows why R&B was most popular in this questionnaire. R&B music videos are also really good and we have decided that we would like to follow the codes and conventions of this genre type in our music video.
The second question we asked was where people get their music from?
Internet - 6
High-street shops - 0
Download - 3
Itunes - 4
Other - Spotify
As it shows by the results, most people get their music from the internet. The people from the questionnaire did not specify whether they downloaded it off the internet or if they just watched the videos but it shows that most people use the internet to find their music. This gives us a great knowledge on where to target our audience. For example, when we have filmed our music video we will be able to upload it onto YouTube where a lot of people will be able to access and watch our video.
Our third question was which gender most people like to see featured in the music videos. Here are the results:
Male - 0
Female - 6
A mixture of the two - 8
This shows that most people are not worried which gender they see in music videos or they like to see both in the music videos at the same time. This is a good thing for Me and Sophie because we would like a female lead singer because our music video is focused on Rihanna's songs. Also, the answer that was preferred was a mixture of both genders. We think this is a good idea to have a mixture of the two in the backgroung of our music video, with the lead singer being a female.
The fourth question was which type of video people like best. Here are the results:
Narrative - 4
Concept - 2
Performance - 8
This shows that most people tend to like the music videos where people perform on the stage or perform in another way during the video. Most people we asked did not know what the type of music video 'concept' was. We had to explain what it was to a few of them which could be the reason why this type of music video was the least popular in our questionnaire. People tended to like the idea of there being a storyline in the music video, and when we asked them why they mentioned that it was because they were able to understand what the lyrics of the song meant by looking at the visuals in the music video. The idea we have for our music video is a little bit concept but it also had aspects of a storyline running through it, and it also has a bit of performance in it. By tying these three together I believe that the music video will get views from different types of people because they will all be able to see a part of the music video that they like, whether it be the performance part, the use of effects or the storyline running through it.
The fifth question we asked was what people thought of the song Rihanna - Cheers (Drink To That)
Here are some of the comments we received from our questionnaires:
It's OK.
It makes people think of the weekend.
It's a great tune.
It's a bit boring/annoying.
From these comments we can see that people are not too fond of the song, and I believe that the reason for this is because it has been out for a long time and everyone has been getting bored of it. After looking at these comments we wondered if we should change our song because people do not find it good, and we were looking at other songs that may fit in with the idea that we have already got.
The sixth question was what people thought of the Beyonce - Single Ladies video. Here are some of the comment we received from the questionnaire:
It's pretty cool.
Poor video.
Good dance. They all wear black leotards and white background so it goes well together.
Good idea for a music video!
Very iconic.
It would be hard to recreate it as well as the original.
The reason we asked this question was because it was a concept idea, and it was very different to the usual music videos out there at the time it was released. We wanted to gain knowledge from this question on whether people like concept ideas and whether we should use this music video idea in our own idea for the music video. From these comments we can see that this video is really good and a lot of people like it. Even though it is only of three ladies dancing around the room to the song, everyone liked that it was different to other music videos. From the comment "They all wear black leotards and there is a whit background, so it goes well together" we could see that the clothing of the people in the music video, and the props and background of the music video is very important in making the music video work. If the colours would have clashed then it would have looked bad, whereas, they had thought about every aspect of the music video and how it will all fit in together well. This is what we will have to think about when we are planning and making our own music video.
The last question we asked was what were people's favourite music videos to get an idea on what type of music they were into. There were many different types of music videos that were given as answers to this question including:
Ed Sheeran - A Team
OK Go - Here It Goes Again
The Wombats - Tokyo
Beyonce - Best Thing I Never Had
Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone
From these we can see that there is a wide variety of music videos that people like but the two that interested me was OK Go! - Here It Goes Again and Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone. The reason for this is because they are both concept ideas and they were both really successful, which gives me the idea that maybe we should use a concept idea for our music video, or use a slight hint of concept in our music video somewhere.