Thursday, 24 November 2011

What is the purpose of a music video?!

In this post I will be looking at what I believe and also what others believe are the reasons for there being music videos to accompany the song!

I believe that music videos are there to promote not only the song, but also the artist/band.
Through showing the music video in the media, people can therefore acknowledge whether they like it or not. Having the visuals as well as the music, it helps the audience to piece them together and see if they fit well with eachother, and therefore gives them an idea if they think the whole concept of the song is good or not.
If people like the music video then this is a good thing because they are therefore more likely to buy the song and share it with the people that they know, which ends up with people spreading the word about how well this music video is. 
On the other hand, people might not like the song. Eventhough this may be the case, people will still talk about the song and they will share it with other people. Promoting the song, music video and the artist/band is all about getting it out to the audience and making sure as many people know about it as possible!

I also found that people think music videos are there to "give more of a message than just the artist/band performing with lyrics that mean something." This means that the music video shows visuals that can link to the lyrics, and therefore giving the audience a deeper understanding of what the lyrics mean in the song and also what the artist is trying to get across in their song to their audience. 

The following are also reasons as to why music videos exist and what their purposes are:

- Entertainment;
- Used as a marketing device;
- To attract different types of audiences;
- To emphasise what the artist can do in terms of performing.

In our music video we will make sure that it has a purpose and that we understand what we have to do in order to ensure our ideas have all been incorporated into our music video.


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