Friday 4 May 2012


Throughout the week we have been making changes to our music video and our evaluation in order to get it done by the deadline. We have now completed our digi-pack, music video and our website. When we had completed the music video we received even more audience feedback by asking people to come and watch it. They mentioned that they liked the way all of the shots were mixed up and not put in a set order. They also liked that all of the shots were fun and it linked in with the song. When we were receiving our audience feedback people tended to mention that they liked the way it was a concept idea instead of having a storyling/narrative throughout it and they thought that this was effective. We were happy with this because it linked in with our original idea of having a concept idea.

We are now completing our evaluation.. we have filmed all of the things we need for it and are now editing it togethe to make sure every shot that goes with the audio is there. For example, we have included print screens from our website when we were speaking about our website in the evaluation and we have also put in audience feedback when the question about the audience was being answered. We will have this finished by the end of the day to meet the deadline!

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